What We Do

Our Mission

Climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer scope of the problem, but there are success stories that show us we can make a difference. By taking action at a local level, we can save one ecosystem at a time and make those changes sustainable.

Ultimately, it is up to us to take responsibility for the future of our planet. By implementing sustainable practices and working together, we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations. It’s time to stop talking about the problem and start implementing solutions.

Identify Root Causes

Identify root causes of local species endangerment.

Think Tanks

Bring stakeholders to the table to brainstorm sustainable solutions.

Fundraise for Solutions

Fundraise to implement proposed solutions.

Identify Migration Roots

Identify privately held lands that, if developed, would disrupt wildlife migration routes or otherwise compromise a species or ecosystem.

Fundraise for Conservation Easements

Fundraise to purchase lands and place them into conservation easements, ideally held in Trust by local Indigenous tribal entities.

Support Landowners

Fundraise to support landowners in placing lands into conservation easements and to improve habitats and migration routes they subsequently are preserving.

Maxwell Acee Donovan and Sister Clare Launch 'Nature's Negotiators': Empowering the Youth for a Sustainable Future

The main objective of this initiative is to address conservation issues and promote sustainable living practices. The siblings have decided to start with a focus on preserving ecosystems in Alaska and protecting migration routes in the Rocky Mountains.

Let's make a difference together!

By donating even a small amount, we can help make a huge difference!